1. L.N. Trefethen, SIAM Rev. 39(3), 383 (1997)
2. J.J.P. Veerman, Symmetry and Stability of Homogeneous Flocks (a Position Paper), Proc. 1st Int’l Conf. on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (Algarve, 2010)
3. L. Brillouin, Propagation of Electro-Magnetic Waves in Material Media, Congrès International d’Electricité Vol. 2, 1933. Also appeared in: L. Brillouin, Wave Propagation and Group Velocity (Academic Press, 1960), p. 739
4. R.E. Chandler, R. Herman, E.W. Montroll, Operations Res. 6, 165 (1958)
5. R. Herman, E.W. Montroll, R.B. Potts, R.W. Rothery, Operations Res. 7, 86 (1959)