1. d’Alembert, J. 1747. Recherches sur la courbe que forme une corde tendue mise en vibration. Mem. Acad. Sci. Berlin 3: 214-229.
2. d’Alembert, J. 1780. On the Calculus of Probabilities, Opuscules Mathématiques. Editions CNRS, Paris, 2011, Vol. II, 52nd Memoir, pp. 39-60.
3. d’Alembert, J. 1761. Reflections on the Calculus of Probabilities, Opuscules Mathématiques. Editions CNRS, Paris, 2011, Vol. II, 10th Memoir, pp. 1-25.
4. d’Alembert, J. 1768. Extracts of Letters on the Calculus of Probabilities and on the Calculus Related to Inoculation, Opuscules Mathématiques. Editions CNRS, Paris, 2011, Vol. V, 27th Memoir, pp. 283-310.
5. d’Alembert, J. 1768. On the Analysis of Games, Opuscules Mathématiques. Editions CNRS, Paris, 2011, Vol. IV, 23rd Memoir, pp. 79-92.