1. 1. Home page of eRHIC/EIC: http://www.bnl.gov/eic
2. 2. Proceedings of eRHIC Workshop at Yale, BNL-Report-No. Editors A. Deshpande, and V.W. Hughes, 2001
3. 3. A whitepaper on The Electron Ion Collider, A high luminosity probe of the partonic substructure of nucleons and nuclei, Editors A. Deshpande, R.G. Milner, and R. Venugopalan, BNL-Report-No.68933-02/07 Rev, February 2002
4. 4. A. Deshpande: The EIC Project, physics prospects and present status, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Supp.) 105 (2002) February 2002, Editors S.D. Bass, A. De Roeck, and A. Deshpande
5. 5. E. Iancu, A. Leonidov, and L. McLerran: The color glass condensate: An introduction, hep-ph/0202270