1. I. Sobchenko, J. Pesicka, D. Baither, R. Reichelt, E. Nembach, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 133107 (2006)
2. J.W.S. Rayleigh, The Theory of Sound, Vol. 1, 2nd edition (Dover Publications, New York, 1945)
3. P.M. Morse, H. Feshbach, Methods of Theoretical Physics, Part I (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1953)
4. J.W.S. Rayleigh, The Theory of Sound, Vol. 2, 2nd edition (Dover Publications, New York, 1945)
5. P.M. Morse, Vibration and Sound (McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, Tokyo, 1948)