Stopping cross sections of TiO2 for H and He ions


Limandri Silvina P.,Fadanelli Raul C.,Behar Moni,Nagamine Luiz C. C. M.,Fernández-Varea José M.,Abril Isabel,Garcia-Molina Rafael,Montanari Claudia C.,Aguiar Julio C.,Mitnik Darío,Miraglia Jorge E.,Arista Néstor R.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics

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2. Model dielectric functions for ion stopping: The relation between their shell corrections, plasmon dispersion and Compton profiles;Advances in Quantum Chemistry;2022

3. Electronic stopping cross section for protons incident on biological and biomedical materials within a FSGO quantum chemistry description;Radiation Physics and Chemistry;2019-03

4. How the choice of model dielectric function affects the calculated observables;Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms;2017-09

5. Theoretical Compton profile of diamond, boron nitride and carbon nitride;Physica B: Condensed Matter;2017-09







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