1. E. Frey, The Kris Mystic Weapon of The Malay World, 3rd edn. (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010)
2. G.B. Gardner, Keris and Other Malay Weapons, B. Lumsden Milne, II edn. (1936)
3. M.D. Coe, P. Connolly, A. Harding, V. Harris, D.J. LaRocca, A. North, T. Richardson, C. Spring, F. Wilkinson, Swords and Hilt Weapons (Prion Book Limited, New York, 2012)
4. B. Bronson, J. Hist. Metall. Soc. 21, 1 (1987)
5. A.G. Van Zonneveld, Traditional Weapons of the Indonesian Archipelago (Koninklyk Instituut Voor Taal Land, New York, 2002)