
Tretiakov Igor Aleksandrovich1,Danilov Vladimir Vasilevich1


1. Donetsk National University


The article presents the study of experimental curves of the spectral spectra of radio waves of the FM-range developed on a laboratory model. The algorithm was used to define sections, for which the complexity function took locally minimal values. The standard was determined for each section of the curve, in which all the arithmetic mean ordinates of all areas correspond to the certain class. For a more extended linguistic description of the experimental curves, it is proposed to compile the description taking into account the location of the curve sections on the abscissa axis. The obtained extended linguistic description of the curve will reflect not only classes of simple events, but their phases as well. As a result of applying the linguistic analysis system for the analysis of spectral radiograms, it can be inferred that the experimental curves are presented in the form of short and reliable rules for the analysis of the radiogram spectrum. The use of standards allows to accurately represent each chain of characters in each group with a minimum distance to the standard. The obtained extended descriptions quite accurately describe the behavior of the curves studied.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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1. Structural-linguistic approach to the description of spectrogram of electromagnetic radiation spectrograms generated by computing technology;Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Management, computer science and informatics;2023-01-31







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