Cathode parts placement when controlling a galvanic bath according to a vector criterion


Litovka Yuriy Vladimirovich1,Bannikov Andrey Alekseevich1


1. Tambov State Technical University


The problem of controlling a galvanic bath according to two criteria is considered: marriage in terms of un-evenness and microhardness. The controlling action is the placement of cathode parts of different shapes and sizes on the suspension device of the galvanic bath. A combined method is proposed, which consists in repeatedly solving the vector optimization problem with different order ratios and with different convolutions of criteria, as well as by analyzing hierarchies and constructing a Pareto domain. The developed decision support system provides the decision-maker with comprehensive information about the operating modes of the object and the values of criteria obtained at the same time, the values of mutual changes in criteria, etc., which makes it possible to find the best compromise solution to the vector optimization problem from the user's point of view.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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