Algorithms for information transmission in biological object management systems
Container-title:Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Management, computer science and informatics
Zheleznyakov Dmitry Victorovich1, Golovko Julia Aleksandrovna2, Golovko Sergey Vladimirovich2, Likhter Anatoliy Mikhailovich3
1. Astrakhan Tatishchev State University 2. Astrakhan State Technical University 3. Astrakhan State University
One of the problems of the theory of management of objects with a high degree of uncertainty of behavior is solved: the development of theoretical foundations of analysis, modeling methods and improvement of bio cybernetic systems, their algorithmic and software necessary to improve the efficiency of the management process is proposed. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use the mathematical apparatus of information theory, on the basis of which the information characteristics of the control signal transmission channel from the source to the control object through the external environment are calculated, taking into account the noise of the ecosystem of the control object. The existing systems using monomodal control signals that do not carry a semantic load are analyzed, and the disadvantages and limited possibilities of improving the control systems under consideration are described. Using the example of one of the insect behavior control systems with a trichromic view, a comparison of the results obtained using various technical means used as control signal sources was performed. For improving the efficiency of control systems, which use a multimodal control signal structure, proposed various algorithms for constructing control systems using a multimodal control signal structure are considered, namely: serial and parallel circuits, combined, combining serial and parallel algorithms for using control signal sources. As a method for further improving the efficiency of control systems for biological objects with a high degree of uncertainty, it is proposed to use biological signals containing a large semantic load for the control object, which determines its behavioral response. The directions of further research are formulated in order to maximize the amount of information transmitted to the control object.
Astrakhan State Technical University
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