The relevance of research and development of modernization of the hydrogenation process “Hydrocracking”


Tatzhikov Anton Dmitrievich1,Belyakova Viktoria Alekseevna1,Davydov Mikhail Vladimirovich1,Rudnikova Elina Rashidovna1


1. Astrakhan State Technical University


The article reflects the prospectivity of studying the hydrocracking process in order to intensify oil refining. The chemistry of the process is taken as a basis, which determines the advanced processing of raw materials, which oil refineries strive for. Introduction of hydrocracking process allows to get rid of heteroatoms from raw materials, which worsen oil refining and negatively affect the apparatuses of technological process and the environment. As a proof base for the technological process development, scientific researches of foreign colleagues were given as an example, in the course of which the hydrocracking process was studied and improved. All the results of the works showed positive dynamics. By processing residual feedstock and light oils, it was possible to achieve an increase in the yield of high quality motor petrol. Thus, there is a need to continue to study the hydrocracking process in order to implement and modernise it at oil refineries.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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