Research of the process of producing motor fuels by an alternative method using vegetable oils


Halafova Irada Arif1,Andryushchenko Natalya Konstantinovna2,Mammadova Fidan Ragif3


1. Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University

2. Y. H. Mamedaliyev's Institute of Petrochemical Processes

3. Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University


The development of processes for processing renewable raw materials into motor fuel components, petrochemical products, etc. is an important technological and environmental task. This article is devoted to the possibility of involving vegetable oils in the processes of obtaining motor fuels with improved environmental characteristics. The proposed mechanism of the catalytic conversion of vegetable oils (cotton, sunflower, and mixtures of waste vegetable oils, after use in the food industry; in this article – cottonseed oil) into fatty acids and gasoline hydrocarbons was studied using model oleic acid. A comparative analysis of the yield of the gasoline fraction was carried out when using pure vacuum gas oil and its mixture with vegetable (cotton) oil as a raw material for catalytic cracking. The process was studied using industrial catalysts such as Omnicat-210P and Tseokar-600, as well as their mixtures with halloysites as catalyst systems. The process of catalytic cracking of vacuum gas oil involving vegetable oils in an amount of 5% by weight has been studied.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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