Automation of assessment of professional qualities and competencies of enterprise employees


Shevnina Julia Sergeevna1,Konstantinov Vadim Valerievich1


1. National Research University of Electronic Technology


The article discusses designing and developing an automated information system for assessing the professional qualities and competencies of the enterprise employees. There has been noted the system’s ability to test the employees, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise and the individual achievements of employees. There has been analyzed an integrated method that allows composing individual test tasks consisting of tests and routine problems, whose sequence is determined by the answers of the employees tested. The automated information system is implemented as a one-page SPA application. Vue.js and Express.js frameworks are used. In the process of designing an automated information system the main functional requirements were determined, the structure of the database was developed. The system implements the principles of access control based on the differentiation of user rights. The roles of users and administrator are defined. The architecture of the developed automated information system based on the client-server approach has been designed. The function of creating tests in the developed system allows creating tests with different types of questions and forming different individual trajectories of testing the knowledge of the company’s employees, taking into account its specifics


Astrakhan State Technical University

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