Mathematical modeling nonstationarity of biotechnological production of lactic acid: stability


Gordeeva Yuliya Lvovna1,Borodkin Aleksey Georgievich2,Gordeeva Elena Lvovna2,Komissarov Yuriy Alekseevich3


1. Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology

2. Mendeleev Russian Chemical and Technological University

3. Mendeleev Russian Chemical and Technological University, Moscow


The article presents the calculated ratios of indicators determining the stationary states of the lactic acid production process. Three technologies that are most often mentioned in scientific publications are identified: the technology of using strains of microorganisms to produce biomass is a technology that is extremely rarely used; the fairly common technology of using strains of microorganisms to produce lactic acid with the consumption of the main substrate (most often glucose); the promising technology of obtaining lactic acid using, in addition to the main substrate, a component that reproduces the main substrate in the synthesis process. For each technology, the equations of material balance for stationary and non-stationary conditions, a generalized differential equation for non-stationary conditions, and a characteristic equation are given. The formulas for estimating the coefficients of differential equations and the coefficients of the characteristic equation are also given. The equations for non-stationary conditions according to the last two technologies are based on the use of the Taylor series expansion of functions with the preservation of only the first terms of the expansion, i. e. deviations from stationarity in small. The characteristic equation is formed using the eigenvalues . The methodology for all three technologies is given, which allows us to assess the stability of the considered stationary state – the Hurwitz method. For all three technologies, numerical results are obtained for estimating the coefficients of the characteristic equations Pi. Tabular values of the coefficients are given, according to which stability estimates for the dilution rate of 0.1 h–1, 0.2 h–1, 0.3 h–1 are obtained using determinants according to the Hurwitz matrix. The results of numerical estimates for the stability of stationary states for all three technologies are presented. The estimates were based on the indicators of constants published in scientific studies.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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