Composition and structure of oil dispersed systems


Pivovarova Nadezhda Anatolievna1,Tatzhikov Anton Dmitrievich2


1. Astrakhan State Technical University

2. Astrakhan State Technical University


Physico-chemical properties and behavior in the processes of extraction, transportation, processing, storage and use of petroleum products depend on the chemical, component and dispersed composition of oils, gas conden-sates, oil-like systems. For qualified management of these processes, it is necessary to understand the role of the composition and structure of oil dispersed systems (VAT). The classical descriptions of the structural elements of VAT are considered, their main varieties and types are given. It is shown how the size of a dispersed phase or a complex structural unit can change when external conditions change. Models of the structure of asphaltenes and resins, their composition and structure are given. A variety of approaches to the description of their structure and interaction with each other is shown, ranging from classical Ian-Mullins concepts to modern interpretations based on data from spectral analyses of nuclear magnetic and electron paramagnetic resonances (NMR and EPR) micrographs of a scanning electron microscope, computational computer programs. A hypothetical model of a complex structural unit formed by various groups of organic compounds from the standpoint of paired exchange interactions based on the paramagnetism of resinous-asphaltene molecules and compounds with a high carbon/hydrogen ratio is considered. Examples of the structure of complex polyheterophase oil dispersed systems containing particles of mechanical impurities, globules of water, bubbles of dissolved gases, demonstrating the multilevel structure of VAT, are given. Oil dispersed systems are, due to the extreme variety of compounds and impurities included in them, very complex objects, the study of the composition and structure of which is necessary for the qualified management of the processes of extraction, processing, transportation and storage of oil and petroleum products. Knowledge of the composition and structure of VAT, its dependence on external influences, on changes in conditions affecting it, the possibility of intensification of technological processes. The polyheterogenic composition and multilevel structure of VAT must be taken into account when determining the optimal effects on VAT in the processes of extraction, transportation, processing, storage of oil and the use of petroleum products. The chemical and component composition of VAT can be analyzed by known methods, including column chromatography, and the dispersed composition of dark petroleum products is determined by spectrophotometric method.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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