Theoretical aspects of principles of analyzing jet pumping stations and methods of their improving


Aleksanyan Igor Yuryevich1,Nugmanov Albert Hamed-Harisovich1,Pokoptsev Alexei Alexeevich2


1. Astrakhan State Technical University

2. Astrakhan State Technical University


The article presents analysis of the jet pump designs and methods of their improving, as well as technical approaches to their calculation, which is associated with a reasonable choice of an efficient variant, depending on the required accuracy of engineering calculations with optimal hardware support of pumping stations for solving specific oil and gas transportation tasks. According to the analysis results it has been inferred that one of the reasons for delay in application of jet pumping stations for lifting the fluid from the borehole space is the shortage of reliable surface-type pumping power stations, in particular, for driving the jet unit, as well as a compact set of equipment for purification and preliminary preparation of working fluid in the Russian Federation. For this reason, such units are mainly used for influencing the bottom-hole area, where the long-term permanent operation of jet pumping stations is not important, the mobile field pumping stations being possible as power plants.


Astrakhan State Technical University


General Medicine

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