Transformation of terminology, competences and knowledge in digital economy


Larionov Valery Glebovich1,Sheremetyeva Elena2,Barinova Ekaterina3


1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University

2. Samara State University of Economics

3. Samara branch of Moscow City University


Modern digital transformation of the economy is impossible without the development of innovative knowledge, competencies, network interaction. Technological modernization of eco-nomic processes determines changing demands of a society to the professional and personal quali-ties of a person. Currently, every specialist who wants to be successful in an organization must have specific digital competencies. The key factor of digital transformations is developing digital education and culture, modernizing the strategy and format of educational programs. The transition to a digital model of economic development involves a high concentration of knowledge-intensive production, knowledge, competencies and technologies. A variety of new terms used in scientific and journalistic works devoted to digital technologies leads to difficulties in understanding the phenomena of the digital economy. The terminology and scope of the conceptual apparatus of the digital economy have been clarified; the differences in research approaches in relation to the interpretation of the categorical apparatus have been discussed. The terms, such as digital management, digital marketing, digital hygiene, digital leaders, digital talents, digital maturity, etc. are updated. Clarification of the conceptual apparatus allows to formulate the actual competencies, knowledge and skills for training the qualified personnel that meet the modern requirements of technological modernization. The necessity of introducing project-based learning, adapting the educational process to the realities of transforming business models is noted. Attention is focused on the importance of forming soft-skills for personal development, individualization of the educational trajectory and construction of career navigation. The necessity of the continuous development of personal profiles of digital and super professional competencies in terms of implementing the “education throughout life” paradigm has been substantiated.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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