Development of phyto- and zooplankton in greenhouse ponds for cultivating tropical Decapoda


Egorova Vera Ivanovna1,Kryuchkov Victor Nikolaevich2,Volkova Irina Vladimirovna1,Tomokala Bosthelle Prefinat2


1. Astrakhan State Technical University

2. Astrakhan State Technical University


Today, there is a need to revise and update existing approaches to aquaculture, modernize and improve the efficiency of bio-technologies used, as well as the development of new forms of resource-saving agricultural production and environmentally friendly technologies. When growing crayfish and shrimp youth, it is necessary to use the climatic advantages of the southern region of Russia, which allow using a less expensive greenhouse method. In the process of developing a technology for breeding shrimp and crayfish planting material there has been found the expediency of using a greenhouse pond as an element of intermediate, off-season maintenance of the producers and juveniles in conditions close to those of an open pond. The peculiarities of the development of forage organisms and the implementation of intensification measures when using greenhouse ponds have been considered. To minimize the cost of feeding juvenile crustaceans, it is most advisable to use feed from local sources, which are inexpensive and at the same time can provide a full supply of the necessary substances to growing crustaceans. Rearing the crayfish and shrimp youth in greenhouse ponds can significantly reduce the amount of feed introduced, since the feed base is successfully developing in the ponds. Using live feed organisms by the growing crayfish should also have a positive effect on the quality of the planting material. Monitoring the hydrochemical parameters in greenhouse ponds testified to satisfactory water quality. The levels of phytoplankton development in greenhouse ponds were comparable with the similar indicators of phytoplankton development in the intensively exploited fish ponds of the first fish farming zone. Zooplankton had a low level of development (1.8-3.5 g/m3), however, the noted abundance and biomass may well satisfy the need for crayfish and shrimp during their preliminary rearing.


Astrakhan State Technical University


General Medicine

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