Statics and kinetics of operation of extraction of target components from dry Ectocarpus with aqueous-alcoholic composition


Fomenko Ekaterina Valer'evna1,Zaporozhec Ekaterina Yur'evna2,Kotelnikov Andrey Vyacheslavovich1,Aleksanyan Igor Yurievich1,Nugmanov Albert Hamed-Harisovich3


1. Astrakhan State Technical University

2. Astrakhan State Technical University

3. Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University


Polysaccharides are the most widely used biopolymers in the food industry, for example sodium alginate (food additive E401) taken as an anionic substance. Sodium alginate can act as a thickening agent in jelly-like materials, fillings and gravy products, and as a moisture-retaining ingredient in baked goods and other products. The unique industrial source of sodium alginate in modern conditions is sea brown algae (kelp and fucus). In the Caspian basin Ectocarpus algae can be attributed to the brown algae species rich in alginates. Dry Ectocarpus served as the object of scientific analysis. At present, the emergence of new information on the pharmacological parameters of a number of algae biocomponents has led to an increased interest in the study of technological approaches to the production of functional food substances and their biologically active substances. At the same time, algae can act as a raw material base for producing both independent materials and their derivatives in the form of food premixes leading to an increase in the quality indicators of basic materials while maintaining taste sensations or improving the structural organization, external state and increasing storage time. The purpose of this study was to identify the static patterns of the ratio of the extractant masses and the object of study and the kinetics of extraction of the target components from the dry Ectocarpus with a aqueous-alcohol composition to determine the efficiency and rational time of this operation. The type of kinetic dependences of extraction does not contradict the approved and published data in this field with certain specifics for the product under study and the conditions for this operation. This determines the rationality of the original approaches to improve the efficiency of algal raw materials extraction in the above-mentioned extractant environment.


Astrakhan State Technical University


General Medicine

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