Optimization of production of australian crayfish in RAS in the Altai cancer farm


Rubtsova Evgenia Olegovna1,Lagutkina Lina Yurievna2,Agibalov Pavel Aleksandrovich1,Antropov Dmitry Aleksandrovich1,Martyanov Alexander Sergeevich2,Pershina Elena3


1. LLC “Crayfish farm Altai”

2. Astrakhan State Technical University

3. Astrakhan State Technical University


Experimental work has been carried out to optimize the feeding conditions and keeping of red claw crayfish in the conditions of a recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) to increase growth during artificial cultivation and to determine design standards. The lack of functional complete feed and methodological approaches to the maintenance of red claw crayfish necessitated developing the effective methods for the practical implementation of feeding technology and minimizing the impact of side factors. The experiment involved 105 species of Cherax quadricarinatus weighing more than 10 g, which were kept in containers with an area of 1.5 m2 and a volume of 0.3 m3, equipped with shelters, with water artificial aeration, filtration and heating. Three options for compound feed formulations are proposed based on the low-calorie compound feed “Coppens Vital”, which was supplemented with vegetable and animal additives (pollock, cereals, gammarus, bloodworm, pumpkin, carrots). With a daily feeding rate making 4-6% of body weight, there was established a feeding regimen 2 times a day. The absolute and average daily growth in three experimental groups of hydrobionts, the average daily growth rate and the mass accumulation coefficient were calculated. As a result, the composition of a complete diet has been optimized, which makes it possible to increase and stabilize the percentage of leaders and the average group in terms of growth. It is noted that the uneven population growth rate requires sorting depending on the mass and planting density while maintaining the composition of the diets. The study of different stocking densities in fish tanks was carried out on the basis of measuring fish-breeding and biological indicators, which complement the general characteristic of the limiting values of RAS operation when keeping objects, which can be used as regulatory documentation for stabilizing economically important features of grown aquaculture objects. The information obtained is opportune and helps avoid technological losses in the production of aquaculture products.


Astrakhan State Technical University


General Medicine

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