Analysis of standard of living in regions of Central Federal District in pandemic period in terms of regional social development


Tret'yakova Larisa Aleksandrovna1,Lisova Ekaterina Valer'evna2


1. Belgorod State National Research University

2. Institute of Business Career


The article gives an assessment of social regional development for the regions of the Central Federal District in the pandemic period (2019-2021). It has been stated that the number of publications assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the economy of regions significantly exceeds the number of scientific articles assessing the impact on the social sphere. The methods devoted to determining the level of social development are analyzed, their main shortcomings are noted, and ways to eliminate them are proposed. The conclusion is made about the expediency of determining the level of social development of the regions of the Russian Federation and the standard of living of the population by calculating the aggregated indicator. The formula for its calculation is proposed, its components are considered. The basic principles of the organization of the study are described, their differences from those existing in other methods are noted. For the regions of the Central Federal District, numerical values of private indicators of social orientation and their “weight” coefficients used in the formula for calculating the generalized indicator of the standard of living are determined. An aggregated indicator of the standard of living of the population comparable to the level of social development is calculated, its growth rate in three time periods is analyzed: 2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2019-2021. There is a significant negative impact of pandemic processes on the general state of the social sphere for all regions of this district. Based on the numerical data obtained, the conclusions are drawn about the maximum decrease in the rate of growth of the standard of living in the most successful regions in terms of its absolute indicators (Moscow and the Moscow region). It has been proved that none of the subjects of the Central Federal District under consideration returned to the pre-pandemic level of social development.


Astrakhan State Technical University


Marketing,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Strategy and Management,Drug Discovery,Pharmaceutical Science,Pharmacology

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