Methodological foundations of educational organizations site quality assessment (for example Vladivostok State University)


Stepuleva Liudmila Fedorovna1,Makarova Dana Maksimovna1


1. Vladivostok State University


Currently, higher education institutions are focused on promoting their image on the Internet in order to occupy a certain niche there for presenting information about themselves. Thanks to the possibilities of the information Internet environment, universities contribute to improving the quality of the educational process. An important aspect in the formation of competitive advantages over other educational institutions is the quality of educational web resources. The distribution of scientific and educational streams is regulated by regulatory requirements that have a huge impact on the formation of the quality of websites of higher educational institutions. The important role of the monitoring process of assessing the quality of educational institutions' websites for the formation of recommendations based on the evaluation results according to the proposed methodology is revealed. The methodology is based on the theory of stakeholders, where groups of interested persons are considered by the fact of the existence of the studied object, indirectly or directly influencing it. A nomenclature of quality indicators has been developed based on the allocation of important criteria for each group, in this work these are students, parents, applicants and employees. The identification of indicators and values of their satisfaction serves as a foundation for the subsequent assessment of the quality of university websites according to the proposed methodology. The methodology includes several stages that accurately track all indicators during its use. The verification of the quality assessment algorithm was carried out on the example of the website of the Vladivostok State University. The data obtained are systematized and calculated according to the proposed formula, taking into account all interested groups. The results are of practical interest for a systematic assessment of the quality of educational institutions' websites and can be offered for use.


Astrakhan State Technical University


Marketing,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Strategy and Management,Drug Discovery,Pharmaceutical Science,Pharmacology

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