Comparative characteristics of models of financing investment projects of joint-stock companies


Gadzhiev Nazirhan Gadzhievich1,Gavrilova Tatiana Mihaylovna2,Konovalenko Sergei Aleksandrovich3,Skripkina Olga Viktorovna4,Ahmedova Khamida Gadzhialievna5


1. Dagestan State University

2. Kolomna Institute (branch) of Moscow Polytechnic University

3. Ryazan branch of Moscow University of MIA of Russia after V. Ya. Kikot’

4. Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V. F. Utkin

5. Bauman Moscow State Technical University


The article considers the role of investments in the modern economy. A comparative analysis of the models of financing investment projects of joint-stock companies is carried out: equity financing; debt financing; mixed financing. The main parameter of the effectiveness of the investment project, which is the net present value of the cash flow of shareholders who purchased additionally issued shares, has been analyzed. The effectiveness of financing from borrowed funds is calculated, as well as the calculation of mixed financing. The optimal scheme of financing the investment project was determined by selecting the ratio of the share of borrowed and own funds, taking into account the financial capabilities of the economic entity, the interest rate on the loan and the rate of return on equity. The advantages and disadvantages of each model are noted. The indicators of net present value of different financing schemes are given. The model of mixed financing is considered the most effective, it is implemented through the involvement of both legal entities and individuals in the investment project, and, in some cases, of the state. It is emphasized that the reasonable attraction of financing sources and their rational use, developing an effective capital structure contribute not only to the development of the organization's activities, but also increase its competitiveness and investment attractiveness. Conclusions are drawn about possible implementing the model of public-private partnership. Graphs of indicators of the net present value of shareholders and enterprises in different models of financing investment projects of joint-stock companies are presented.


Astrakhan State Technical University


Marketing,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Strategy and Management,Drug Discovery,Pharmaceutical Science,Pharmacology

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1. Review for the textbook “Economic assessment of investments” / under the general editorship of N. G. Gadzhiev;Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Economics;2024-06-28







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