Informal relations on labor market: causes and directions of legalization


Kutaev Shikhragim Kutaevich1


1. Institute of Social Economic Researches of the Dagestan Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The article considers the problem of informal labor relations in the labor market, shadow employment, employment in the informal sector in the regions with low macroeconomic development indicators. There are discussed the various points of view of specialists, a review of the sources of special literature, regarding the content of the definition of informal (shadow) employment. The analysis of indicators characterizing the state of the labor market, incomes of the population and wages, information on part-time employment of citizens of the North Caucasus federal district in general and of the Republic of Dagestan, in particular, was carried out. The main factors that led to the emergence and sustainable functioning of the shadow economy, accumulating a large number of the unemployed population of the macroregion, are outlined. The directions, the implementation of which will reduce the level of the informal economy, neutralize the consequences of its existence, as well as benchmarks that allow assessing the level of the informally employed population, are identified. A positive impetus in this matter can be given by the observance of the fundamental principle of achieving a balance of interests of the main actors of the process under consideration, since the formation and development of informal economic relations, and their scale is, in a way, a response to formal rules. Conclusions are drawn that the processes of reducing the shadow economy and informal relations in the social and labor sphere should take place at the institutional level. It was noted that attention should be focused on the development of mechanisms to reduce informal employment and shadow manifestations in the economic sphere, since employment in the informal sector of the economy is not a violation and is regulated by the current regulatory framework.


Astrakhan State Technical University


Marketing,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Strategy and Management,Drug Discovery,Pharmaceutical Science,Pharmacology

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