Risk identification in projects of transition to renewable electricity consumption


Pupentsova Svetlana Valentinovna1,Prokofiev Pavel Andreevich1,Lukyanov Andrey Vyacheslavovich1


1. Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


Due to the increasing electricity consumption in the world, rapid spread of renewable energy sources (RES) and the loss of basic generation capacities the electric networks will become vulnerable. There is stated a threat of periodic blackouts, which will be impossible to control. There has been carried out the study aimed to assess the risks of projects of transition to the consumption of renewable electricity. The general scientific methods of comparative analysis, collection and study of information sources, statistical data analysis and synthesis were used. The brainstorm method was used to identify risks. The relevance and directedness of the modern energy industry development has been proved, taking into account the global environmental trends. A SWOT analysis of the distribution and use of renewable energy was carried out. The damage and probability of the main risks of projects of transition to the consumption of renewable electricity are identified and assessed. There have been proposed the methods of risk management of projects of transition to the consumption of renewable electricity. A complete transition to renewable electricity consumption is found impossible for Russia due to high natural, technological, investment, legal and business risks. There is expected a high probability of technological risks affecting the construction of renewable energy generating structures and their connection to the energy system. It has been inferred that for the country’s energy system, its high level of reliability and the ability to switch to backup power sources at any time are important


Astrakhan State Technical University

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