Economic efficiency of smart production: from targets to regulations


Merzlikina Galina Stepanovna1


1. Volgograd State Technical University


The article deals with the problems of assessing the economic efficiency of smart production and ways to resolve them. It has been found that Smart Manufacturing is currently becoming a goal in itself and a guarantor of successful development of industrial business. A comparative analysis of scientific publications to clarify the content of the concept of Smart Manufacturing is carried out, it is revealed that it is necessary to distinguish between intelligent and smart production, which are currently used as synonyms. Analysis of the practice of organizing smart manufacturing has shown that often the process of creating Smart Manufacturing pursues the goal of participating in a popular, useful process with the expectation of future “blurry” positive results; but there are also the actual results in the form of cost savings (better organization of the production process), an increase in production and an increase in labor productivity. All enterprises and organizations quite clearly understand the process of creating a specific smart production with detailing of individual stages, therefore, the specific goals of Smart Manufacturing should be specified taking into account a specific enterprise, but at the same time, standardized for the possibility of a comparative assessment of economic efficiency. It has been proved that traditional economic indicators of efficiency are used to assess the economic efficiency of Smart Manufacturing; but for the organization it is necessary to form a special system of performance indicators based on the theory of management by goals. It is determined that the main factor of Smart Manufacturing is innovative capital, since smart manufacturing is innovative by definition. Possible options for the formation and combination of goals and objectives of Smart Manufacturing and innovation capital are considered. The content and structure of the regulation for assessing the economic efficiency of Smart Manufacturing are proposed


Astrakhan State Technical University

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