Industrial symbiosis in circular economy


Titova Natalya Yur'evna1


1. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service


In Russian Federation the questions of transformation of the current linear model of economy into the low-carbon model having the least negative impact on the environment are very urgent. Among the ways to realize the required transition scientists recognize the introduction of the concept of circular economy, as well as the organization of a system of interaction between industrial enterprises on the basis of the principles of industrial symbiosis. The scope of application of the industrial symbiosis model in the circular economy remains insufficiently studied in the scientific environment, which actualizes its solution. There has been defined the hierarchy of conceptual and categorical apparatus of industrial symbiosis in the circular economy. Integration of the companies on the basis of using the model of industrial symbiosis takes place due to the combination of environmental and economic interests of its participants by forming the industrial value chain. Symbiotic links involve the rational use of resources, which leads to the less intensive production processes and, consequently, to the reduced carbon emissions. Obtaining a synergistic effect is an incentive that encourages industrial structures to form symbiotic links. There has been stated the growth of transaction costs, which can be designated as a negative effect of the industrial symbiosis model. The directions for reducing this influence are proposed: improving the pricing model for industrial waste, taking into account territorial proximity and the need for industry associations and unions to participate in finding partners. The concept of industrial symbiosis is considered and clarified, which includes the principles, purpose and effects to characterize this term. The conclusion about the role of industrial symbiosis in the circular economy has been made.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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