
Nedostup Alexander Alekseevich1,Razhev Alexey Olegovich1,Khrustalyov Evgeniy Ivanovich2,Molchanova Kseniia Andreevna3


1. Kaliningrad State Technical University

2. Kaliningrad State Technical University

3. Kaliningrad State Technical University;


The article highlights the problems of physical modeling the elements of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and open aquaculture cages (OAC) for hydrobionts growing, in particular, the question of substantiating the rules of optical quantities similarity has been raised. Formulation of the problem is based on the assumption that using the computer vision which controls the behavioral reactions of hydrobionts to the growing conditions (e.g. light effect) will make the biotechnological process controllable in RAS and OAC and, as a result, more efficient. Evaluating the light effect on biological objects as to the depth of its penetration into the basins, the degree of its dispersion among the aquatic organisms and other characteristics can become an important element of computer vision. This fact will help to choose the optimal algorithm for the biotechnical process, for example, to calculate the daily feed portion and feeding periods, to define the optimal place for feeding, to determine the appropriate sorting time, the optimal stocking density, etc. There have been proposed the additional similarity scales for optical quantities, methods for their calculation and graphs of their dependences on the geometric scale Cl. However, one should know that achieving the complete similarity is absolutely impossible, no matter how large the list of similarity criteria is.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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1. Theory of multiphysical similarity of hydrobionts;Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Fishing industry;2023-10-13







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