
Yugay Alevtina1,Boitsova Tatyana2,Pechnikov Alexander1


1. Private educational institution of higher education «Moscow international academy», Moscow

2. Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University


The article considers the problem of the rational use of aquatic biological resources in the modern fishing process, which can be partially solved by the complex processing of hydrobionts, the by-catch being underutilized. Gobies or sculpins make about 22% of the by-catch in the catch of commercial fish species in the Far Eastern fishery basin. It is a promising fishing object, the biological value of which was studied earlier and proved in the recent studies. Despite the available reserves, gobies are not used for developing the food products or feed flour. The frequent reasons for low demand for products from such non-commercial raw materials can be: the lack of modern data on the chemical composition of the edible part, data on biological safety, methods of technological processing of raw materials and technology for obtaining food products. There are presented the study results on the size, mass and technological characteristics of Far Eastern stag-horn sculpin belonging to gobies Cottidae Gymnocanthus (Gymnocanthus Herzensteini). There is shown the relationship between the fish mass and the mass of muscle tissue, between the fish length and weight, and the fish weight and mass of the head. The yield of secondary raw materials (heads, entrails, bones, fins) has been determined. Based on the conducted chemical analysis, it was found out that Far Eastern staghorn sculpin belongs to the protein species of fish (19%) with a low lipid content (up to 2%). For the first time, the amino acid and fatty acid composition of proteins and lipids of fish muscle tissue has been investigated. It has been stated that the muscle tissue contains all essential amino acids, the rate of which is more than 100%. The objective indicators of the biological value of muscle tissue proteins were determined: the coefficients of difference between the amino acid rate, utility of amino acids, protein-water and lipid-protein coefficients were calculated. The content of macro- and micro-elements has been studied. It was inferred that the maximum permissible concentration of arsenic, cadmium, mercury and lead do not exceed the maximum permissible level.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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