
Abrashkin Mikhail Sergeevich1


1. University of Technologies


The article presents the research of knowledge intensity and innovative development of the mechanical engineering enterprises. The development degree of mechanical engineering is a measure of industrialization of the world economy. The level of implementing the advanced technologies and innovations into production activity of the mechanical engineering enterprises has been found not to meet the criterion of progress, which current rates concede to economies of the developed countries. Fragmentation approaches to identify sectors hamper revealing and justifying the knowledge-based mechanical engineering and requires the criteria concretization for this sub-sector. The identifying criteria for high-tech machinery should be taken from the other economic branches, such as personnel, cost, process, product, technology, complex or integral. In international practice, high-tech industries are referred to the service sector. It has been stated that the current practice involves using the category of “knowledge intensity” as applied to production and should be explained by the wrong interpretation from foreign publications, as well as by the concept of “capacity”, which in this case acts as a measure of consumption of the results of science, research and development. In terms of the industry criterion, the science-intensive engineering enterprises should include machine-tool construction, electrical engineering, instrumentation, aircraft engineering and rocket and space engineering, which have a significant research and development reserve in the production. As a result of the analysis, it has been found that the development of science-intensive engineering enterprises requires attracting investment, expanding the scope of research and development and production, improving approaches to state regulation of the industry, as well as taking into account trends in global development and the rate of technological inflation. The need to stimulate the demand for high-tech engineering products by improving their quality and competitiveness, organizational and economic measures, updating technology and improving the reproductive function that provides these processes has been proved.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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