Initiation of implementing innovative digital tools into activities of municipal organizations


Sidorov Maksim Andreevich1


1. Leonov Moscow Region University of Technology


Digital labor tools effectively penetrate into the sphere of public administration, in particular, into the activities of local governments in 2022. There have been found such negative factors as technical and technological contradictions, an increase in the duration of user training, organizational opposition to innovation, which is stipulated by the lack of a single technology for the introduction of innovative digital labor tools adapted to the specifics of municipal organizations. The technology of initiating the innovative digital tools in the activities of local governments is being developed. The initiation process is considered as the first phase of the technological model of using the innovative digital tools in the local governments and is a set of stages that combine activities that precede the material embodiment of an innovative labor tool. The main factors influencing the initiation of an innovative digital tool have been identified; the analysis of processes for structuring the reasons for implementation was carried out; the basic criteria for the effectiveness of the implementation of digital innovative implementation of an innovative digital tool are determined. A complex model of the phase of initiation of the introduction of an innovative digital tool into the activities of a local government has been developed. Within the framework of the developed model, this process is divided into stages: realization of the need for an innovative tool, characterization of the problem, identification of the admissibility of alternatives, determination of the purpose of implementation, determination of implementation criteria. For each stage, the content, universal aspects of the process, characteristic of local governments, are indicated. It is noted that the results of the study can be widely applied in the framework of providing a structural approach for the practical informatization of the activities of local government personnel, as well as for developing the new digital tools.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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