Significant factors of spatial and industrial development of region in conditions of digitalization


Glezman Lyudmila Vasil'evna1,Urasova Anna Aleksandrovna1


1. Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm branch


The development of spatial-industrial structures of the regions of the Russian Federation in today’s reality occurs under the complex influence of heterogeneous factors, to study which the economists use different approaches. The theory of the new digital economy is currently in the formation; therefore, the definition of many elements is under discussion, which has predetermined the multiplicity of classifications of factors for spatial and sectoral development of the regions in conditions of digitalization in the scientific literature. There is considered the author’s approach to identification and study of significant factors of regional spatial and sectoral development in the conditions of digitalization, highlighted in accordance with the key directions of spatial and sectoral development of the Russian Federation entities on the basis of state (regional) program documents. Investment, production, natural resources, entrepreneurial activity and human capital factors have been identified as the most significant factors influencing the development of spatial and sectoral structures in the Volga-Kama macro-region. The analysis of the impact of these factors is carried out through the formation of synthetic indicators, including regional statistical data in the dynamics for 2016-2020. Based on the construction of regression models, the analysis of the impact of the factors under study on the economic and spatial development of territories was carried out; the trends demonstrating the declining importance of productive capacity in the development of spatial and sectoral structures of regions and the growing importance of the investment factor in terms of investment in breakthrough technologies of the digital future were identified. The study leads to the conclusion that in the conditions of digitalization of the economy there is a shift in the priorities of spatial and sectoral development of the regions from production spheres to technological areas directly related to Industry 4.0, in which a significant part of investments of the studied subjects of the Volga-Kama macro-region of the Russian Federation is concentrated.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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