Integration of science and entrepreneurship as factor in development of Russia’s innovation potential


Kinzyabulatova Guzel'1


1. Bashkir State University, Institute of Economics, Finance and Business


The innovative development of the economy largely depends on the balance and effectiveness of communications between the scientific sector and entrepreneurship. Interest in scientific and industrial cooperation in modern conditions is increasing and associated with the emergence of uncertainty, limited access to information, rising costs, the emergence of various kinds of risks, as well as market changes. In such conditions, mutually beneficial cooperation between science and entrepreneurship allows to unlock the diverse potential of the two sectors and increase the efficiency of their activities. The importance and necessity to develop measures to ensure the integration of science and entrepreneurship to achieve their balanced development have been substantiated. There are identifies the areas of intersection of mutual interests of the scientific sector and entrepreneurship: the labor market and the intellectual property market. The modern education system of the Russian Federation is considered, the features associated with an increase in the number of students and the number of vocational education institutions and a decrease in the number of students of higher education institutions are analyzed. The problems affecting the quality of training of specialists in secondary vocational and higher education are listed: fragmented financing, the state of the material and technical base of institutions, the salary level of teaching staff, etc. The indicators of the level of cooperation between science and entrepreneurship and the measures that are being applied to stimulate the interaction of these sectors in Russia are studied in details. A correlation analysis was carried out between the indicator of the volume of innovative goods, works, services produced by Russian enterprises and indicators characterizing activity in scientific activity. The balance of the relationship between science and entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation has been defined. According to the analysis there have been appointed the problems of the scientific sector and entrepreneurship that arise during research and development, and measures are proposed to ensure the balanced development of both sectors.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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