
Hamad Haydar Abbas1,Ableev Damir Ravilievich1,Akhmedzhanova Aliya Baimuratovna1,Ponomarev Sergey Vladimirovich1


1. Astrakhan State Technical University


In the innovative scientific and technical aquaculture center of Astrakhan State Technical University there was studied the influence of Olin probiotic as a part of productional feed on the fish-breeding and physiological-biochemical indicators of mature specimens of hybrid tilapia ( Oreochromis sp .). The active process of gametogenesis and spawning of fish in both experimental groups probably did not achieve statistically significant differences in the fish-breeding and biological parameters between the control group and two experimental groups of fish. In spite of this, there was observed a certain tendency towards improvement of these indicators in the group of fish using Olin probiotic in their diet in concentration 20 g per 1 kg of feed. It has been recorded that probiotic had a positive effect on lipid metabolism. Concentration of β-lipoproteins was within normal physiological ranges. However, before the experiment it was higher in the control group than in both experimental groups. After the experiment, on the contrary, concentration was higher in experimental groups. The differences were statistically significant ( p < 0.05). This increase is probably due to an increase in generative metabolism (under the influence of the probiotic). At the beginning of the experiment concentration of cholesterol in the fish blood was higher in the control group. At the end of the experiment, on the contrary, its excess was observed in experiments 1 and 2. In experiment 2, these differences were statistically confirmed ( p < 0.05). The increase in cholesterol concentration can be also explained by activation of gametogenesis (under the influence of the probiotic). Activation of generative metabolism was confirmed by the fact of tilapia spawning in both experimental groups and obtaining viable larvae. The study results allow to recommend Olin probiotic as a component in composition of productional feed for tilapia broodstock.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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