The use of parasagittal access for in vivo testicular extraction in African clary catfish


Panteleev Alexey Aleksandrovich1


1. Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University


The African clary catfish is a promising object of industrial fish farming. A solution to the problem of lifetime production of sexual products of male clary catfish is considered. Post-slaughter extraction of testes significantly limits the possibility of breeding work with this species. The technique of obtaining sperm in vivo by surgical methods, due to its labor costs and risks, has not become widespread in fish farming practice. In order to improve the possibilities of breeding work with African clary catfish, it is proposed to improve the technique of surgical surgery by reducing labor costs and increasing the survival rate of fish in the postoperative period. A modified technique for performing gonadectomy in males of the African clary catfish using a parasagittal access opened craniodorsally with respect to the pelvic fin belt is presented. The technique allows to reduce the time of surgical intervention from an average of 27.0 ± 0.6 minutes with median access to 20.6 ± 1.2 minutes with parasagittal access. The sperm obtained using the modified technique was of good quality, with a slight admixture of blood. The convenience of the surgeon's work when using parasagittal access is separately noted due to the close to ideal angle of operative access. The survival rate of fish using the modified technique was 100%. There were no significant differences in the healing of surgical sutures and the condition of fish in the postoperative period between the groups operated according to the classical and modified methods, the average time of suture healing was 18-19 days.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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