The investigation of the effectiveness of the antioxidant astaxanthin use in the feed of valuable aquaculture objects based on their physiological state assessment


Akhmedzhanova Aliya Baimuratovna1,Ponomarev Sergey Vladimirovich1,Fedorovykh Yulia Viktorovna1,Levina Olga Aleksandrovna1,Terganova Natalya Vladimirovna2


1. Astrakhan State Technical University

2. Astrakhan State Technical University


This scientific study examines the experience of using astaxanthin in sterlet feeding, and its effect on the phys-iological state of individuals. The paper uses a set of methods used in fisheries research – variational statistics and physiological and biochemical tests. The reliability and validity of the scientific statements and conclusions contained in this work are determined by a significant amount of factual material, 125 sterlet individuals were studied in total. The data obtained during the study indicate that the use of astaxanthin in concentrations of 20.0, 30.0, 40.0 and 50.0 mg gives the best physiological and biochemical parameters of cultured individuals, in comparison with the control variant. However, taking into account the maximum input of astaxanthin into feed for sturgeon fish species, the most effective and safe concentration of astaxanthin in the diet of valuable aquaculture objects is 40.0 mg/kg of feed, which is confirmed by the results of the physiological state of individuals obtained during the experiments. Indicators of energy metabolism indicate a better accumulation of plastic substances in fish of the experimental group who consumed feed with the introduction of astaxanthin 40 mg/kg, in this experimental variant, the level of total protein in fish was significantly higher by 26.4% (p < 0.05) compared with the control sample, the concentration of hemoglobin was 77.4 g/l, which is 17.6% higher than in the fish of the control group. The use of compound feed with astaxanthin had a significant effect on the content of carotenoid and vitamin A in the liver, in experimental versions these values were 2.0 times higher compared with the control sample. The accumulation of carotenoid and vitamin A in the liver is not considered a pathology, but on the contrary is a favorable sign of a good physiological condition of aquaculture facilities. The conducted studies have generally shown that the use of natural astaxanthin in the composition of feeds for sturgeon fish is effective, leads to an improvement in the physiological state of cultivated individuals.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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