The Russian sturgeon blood trace element composition


Zaitsev Vyacheslav Fedorovich1,Chaplygin Vladimir Aleksandrovich2,Chaplygina Julia Alexandrovna3,Ershova Tatiyana Sergeevna1,Tulepbergenova Adelina Raphaelevna2


1. Astrakhan State Technical University

2. Astrakhan State Technical University

3. Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography


Establishing quantitative levels of chemical elements in the blood plays a leading role in studying the mi-croelement status of the body. The purpose of the work was to study the microelement composition of the blood and spleen of the Russian sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Brandt, 1833). The objects of the study were females and males of Russian sturgeon of different ages. The determination of metals was carried out using atomic absorption spectrometry. In each sample, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, chromium, lead, and cadmium were determined. Specific features of the accumulation of chemical elements in the blood and spleen of Russian sturgeon have been revealed. The content of iron and zinc in the blood and spleen of fish is in the greatest quantities. At the same time, the concentration of zinc in the blood of fish, as well as the concentration of iron, depends on the systematic position of the fish, and falls within the limits of the concentrations of chemical elements according to A. P. Vinogradov: the content of iron and zinc in the blood of Teleostei is generally higher than in the blood of Elasmobranchii. Russian sturgeon belongs to the subclass Chondrostei and has characteristics of cartilaginous and bony fish, perhaps this can explain the amount of iron and zinc found in the blood. A positive correlation was revealed between iron and copper in the blood of female and male Russian sturgeon. At the same time, no gender differences were found in the content of chemical elements in the blood of female and male Russian sturgeon, with the exception of nickel, the concentration of which is higher in the blood of males. It has been shown that as fish age, the concentration of nickel, manganese, lead and copper in the blood increases.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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