Effect of sexual cycle shift on Siberian sturgeon females reproductive characteristics and fish-breeding and biological characteristics of juveniles


Vorob'yov Alexander Pavlovich1,Melchenkov Evgeniy Alexeevich1,Kalmykova Vera Veniaminovna1


1. Branch for the Freshwater Fisheries Russian Federal “Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography”


Modern industrial fish farms have specialised fish-breeding equipment that allows them to artificially regulate fish rearing, such as getting spawners into a pre-spawning stage at the time required by fish farmers. In this context, there has been some interest in determining the effect of rearing conditions and husbandry of Siberian sturgeon spawners on the progeny. Various abiotic and biotic environmental factors were modelled using the test sites of the Branch for Freshwater Fisheries of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (RFRIFO). Female Siberian sturgeons of the sixth domestication generation of 2008 were used in the experiments. Weight gain has a positive effect on relative and individual fecundity in females. Relative fecundity decreases after resorption. Female eggs get larger with age, however the difference in body weight of juveniles produced from smaller eggs after growing is only 13%. Throughout the rearing period, the condition factor in juveniles ranges from 0.088 to 0.094, representing 46.3-49.4% of the maximum value. When comparing the rearing conditions in all groups of females, no correlation was found between the duration of interspawning interval (285 or 600 days) and the thermal constant during this period (4.970-5.124 and 10.095 degree days) and relative fecundity. According to the studies, a shift in the timing of gametogenesis caused by a force majeure has no effect on reproductive product quality and the ensuing progeny.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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