1. Institute for Water and Environmental Problems, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2. Institute for Water and Environmental Problems, Siberian Branch the Russian Academy of Sciences
For the first time, biometric parameters of cysts and nauplii from populations of hypergaline lakes Bol’shoe Shklo and Malinovoe, and incubation features of cysts from populations of lakes Bol’shoe Shklo, Malinovoe, Maloe Yarovoe, Kulundinskoye, Kuchukskoye were determined. Significant inter-population differences in the biometric characteristics of Artemia sp. were revealed in all the lakes studied. The variability of the biometric parameters
of nauplii and artemia cysts is due to the physical and chemical differences in the living conditions of each studied population discovered during the study. The average values of cyst diameter and linear sizes of nauplii (Instar I) of the studied five populations were in the range of 237.4 ± 11.8 – 250.6 ± 14.3 microns, 412.9 ± 27.4 – 463.3 ± 24.6 microns, respectively. The smallest cysts were found in lake Bol’shoe Shklo and lake Malinovoe. The smallest nauplii were derived from the cysts of the population living in lake Bol’shoe Shklo. A high positive correlation was established between the sizes of cysts and nauplii of the studied artemia populations. Experiments to study the effect of the concentration of dietary salt (98.4% NaCl) on the hatchability of nauplii have shown that for populations of artemia from lakes Malinovoe, Kulundinskoye and Kuchukskoye environments with concentrations of 25 g/l were the most favorable for breeding nauplii, while lake Maloe Yarovoe had concentrations of 10 and 25 g/l. Cysts from lake Bol’shoe Shklo population showed identical excretion in all studied salt concentrations. The optimal environmental parameters for breeding nauplii vary depending on the origin of the population. The differences in the hatchability conditions of artemia nauplii should be taken into account during the experiments and especially for the successful incubation and cultivation of artemia in fish farms.
Astrakhan State Technical University
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