Development of measures for the conservation of fish biological diversity, proposals for organizing a system for monitoring the condition of rare fish species populations in the western region of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Asylbekova Saule Zhangirovna1,Kulikov Evgeniy Vyacheslavovich1,Isbekov Kuanysh Baibulatovich2,Kadimov Erbolat Latifovic3,Tumenov Artur Nasibullayevich1


1. Fisheries Research and Production Center, LLP

2. Fisheries Research and Production Center, LLP

3. Fisheries Research and Production Center, LLC


The purpose of the work is to develop measures to ensure the development of fisheries, the conservation of fish resources and the biological diversity of the ichthyofauna of Western Kazakhstan (Mangystau, Atyrau, Aktobe and West Kazakhstan regions), improving the principles and methods of management and protection of fish stocks. The research was carried out both according to the methods generally accepted in the post-Soviet space, and according to the methods developed by the authors (a temporary method of accounting for the number of fish, withdrawal coefficients for populations of fish with undermined stocks) and methods of foresight research. The monitoring system for rare and endangered fish species should include both in-life research methods and the capture of a minimum necessary number of individuals in order to further domesticate and form breeding herds, artificially reproduce and release the resulting juveniles into those reservoirs. The continued decline in populations of rare and endangered fish species indicates the low effectiveness of the measures taken to preserve them. In order to prevent the loss of the gene pool, it is necessary to select sexual products for cryopreservation during the monitoring process. In addition to monitoring the condition of rare species of fish and other animals conducted by scientific organizations, it is necessary to create a geoinformation system for monitoring rare species, which any resident can replenish by sending experts photos of samples of flora or fauna with observation coordinates. The results of the work are supposed to be used to determine further ways of developing reservoirs in the context of “green growth”.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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