
Moiseenko Marina Sergeevna1,Mukatova Marfuga Dyusembaevna1


1. Astrakhan State Technical University


Currently, there is observed increased incidence of diseases caused by violation of nutrition among the population. The problem of nutrition is one of the most important global problems put forward by the World Health Organization; therefore, programs promoting healthy diets and physical activity to prevent diseases are the most important objective in the state policy to meet the needs of a developed society. Due to the increasing importance of nutrition for the population health the majority of states, including Russia, have adopted national concepts of state policy of healthy nutrition. In terms of resolution of the problem of providing the population with qualitative food products there occurs the need to use Russia’s reach natural potential including its agricultural and water resources to produce multicomponent functional foods. Creating multicomponent products using various types of raw materials of animal and vegetable origin will make it possible to produce curative and/or prophylactic food products with increased digestibility, to improve quality of food products for population by balancing nutrients. The objectives of multicomponent food products manufacturing are realized by searching for new sources of protein raw materials for complex low-wasted and nonwaste processing and the possibility of enriching food with vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers and other indispensable biologically active components. Problems of insufficient consumption of protein, vitamins and other essential nutrients by the population indicate the need to develop the production of biologically high-grade food products that meet the needs of all groups of the population through the creation of dietetic, diabetic and other food products.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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