
Babayan Tigran Karenovich1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The task of transition to innovative development requires the involvement of resources of all contributors to the national economy. The role of big business in this context is unique. The authorities and members of the expert community repeatedly mentioned the considerable potential of attracting resources of big business (which is not used to the full extent) for the innovative development. In recent years in Russia there have been developed and implemented a variety of mechanisms of involvement of big business in innovation development in order to create an effective innovation system. These mechanisms are "scattered" in different industries, at various levels of management, in various government programs and subprograms, in the Federal target programs. These documents include the Strategy of innovative development of Russia up to 2020, the State program "Economic development and innovative economy", the State program "Development of science and technology" by 2020 and others. The variety of mechanisms requires their classification and evaluation. There have been considered and systematized mechanisms of involvement of big business in innovation development (using technological platforms, creating business-incubators in the universities, making demand for the innovative product among important government businesses, etc.), analyzed special means of their use, revealed general advantages and drawbacks. Assessment of the quality of such mechanisms is being carried out. Tax service data show inadequate efficiency of tax mechanisms which could be important for big businesses. Issues of stimulating big business by tax encouragement mechanisms and involving it into innovative development require greater attention. There is the need to call for foreign experience of involving big business into innovative development.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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