
Akmaeva Raisa Isaevna1,Epifanova Nelly Shamilevna2,Zhukov Vladimir Mikhailovich2


1. Astrakhan State University

2. Astrakhan State Technical University


The article studies urgent economic processes that occur as a response to changes in the global economy: a decay of authoritarian management, the revival of team spirit, termination of hierarchy when there arise challenging holacratic systems, network organizations, flat structures, and agile methods. New adaptive agile method is becoming more popular in various industries, activities and even in the top management of large companies and government departments. Values, principles, methods, and advantages of agile methods are completely opposite to those adapted in the authoritarian management. In adaptive models employees are pulled out of isolated departments and implemented into composite self-managed and customer-oriented groups, which both encourages profitable growth and helps to educate a new generation of experienced executives. The article specifies the conditions that are most suitable for adaptive models; it lists the principles of adaptive models: "People first, processes and tools follow"; "Respond to changes, don’t stick to the plan"; "Use the working prototypes and deliver product as often as possible, don’t sink in paperwork"; "Cooperation with clients, not a rigid contract”. The article justifies the point when use of adaptive agile methods by Russian managers eliminates their inherent authoritarianism and creates favorable conditions for introducing the innovations in management.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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