
Kirichenko Alexander Viktorovich1,Shcherbakova-Slyusarenko Victoria Nikolaevna2,Pogodin Vladimir Alekseyevich3,Kuznetsov Alexander Lvovich1


1. State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping named after Admiral Makarov

2. LLC "Logistics Park" Yanino"

3. Ltd. «Morstroytechnology»


The crises circumstances observed lately resulted in strengthening of the competition struggle on the market of transportation services and changed logistics of transportation routes. The absence of the extensive potentials of growth, the high dynamics of changes of global trade and geopolitical environment have enhanced the sensibility of market stability of commercial and logistic systems to the value of economic factors, both internal and external ones. The requirements of market participants have evolved; the existing internal interests of the state and private investors require a permanent increase of economic efficiency of use of capital-intensive infrastructure, which are marine and dry ports. All these factors lead to the facts that traditional methods for the forecasting, assessments and calculation of financial - economic and technological characteristics, which form the methodological basis of this development, turned out to be inadequate not only to provide an abrupt increase in the quality of design decisions, but simply to be at the level of the leading economies of the world. The drawback of methodological support for the solution of the new complex problems in most developing counties leads to a natural economic selection in creating large and capital intensive transport and logistics infrastructure objects, what are the ports and the rear terminals. Many projects in this sphere are designed and launched within the trials and errors technique. Such an approach can not be considered acceptable for the economy of the Russian Federation at the present stage of development. Returning to the modern research methodology the holistic approach, interest to which for a few centuries was lost by the western natural science school, opens up new opportunities. On the basis of the formulated holistic approach the generalized structural model of all aspects of the logistics of the container terminal of the "dry port" is constructed, which allows connecting them into a single, synchronized system with respect to changes. Integrated methodological platform that combines all of these aspects and different levels of their detailing is a generalized functional hierarchical model, the structure of which is also described in detail. In conclusion there’s a description of the various optimization techniques carried out with the help of the proposed approach in the framework of the formulated models.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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