
Burakovskiy Pavel Evgenievich1


1. Baltic State Academy of Fishing Fleet, Kaliningrad;


One of the most dangerous situations for seagoing ships is wave run-up in a head sea. In such a case, significant hydrodynamic forces appear resulting in stability loss or ship hull damage. The paper presents structural solutions that contribute towards navigation safety by means of decreasing probability of wave run-up of the ship bow in a head sea. A design has been developed of a ship stabilizer in the form of hinge-mounted stabilizing wings which deflect from the hull when the bow submerges in water and then cling to it when it emerges. The paper presents a new design of the bulwark with rotating sections able to rotate in the direction from the deck to the board. These designs can reduce dipping in a wave and reduce hydrodynamic impact on the bow. Apart from this, a hull structure has been proposed with a detachable bow to prevent capsizing of a ship. If the hydrodynamic force reaches a critical value, destruction of a permanent joint will happen in the proposed design, resulting in the situation when leak-proof aft and bow parts detach and remain afloat, which will allow the crew to evacuate. The proposed designs will increase navigation safety in storm conditions.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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