
Zheleznyak Alexander Aleksandrovich1


1. Kerch State Marine Technological University


The task of developing methods and tools for the study of stability for parallel operation of two or more diesel and the shaft generator sets as a part of an autonomous electrical power system of the fishing vessel is considered. The use of such devices is a promising and demanded, but difficult to implement due to the high dependence of the frequency of the current generated by such units on the temperature and the quality of lubricating oils, advance angle of fuel supply, the depreciation of the fuel equipment, the influence of depreciation of cylinder piston group and parts of the crank mechanism, the load, the fuel properties and the external environment. The method of increasing the stabilization of processes in the units of the ship power plants and providing their rating data in the conditions of availability of the destabilizing operational factors is offered. The method is based on the compensation of influence of the destabilizing operational factors on dynamic characteristics of transition processes on the frequency of ship power plant units. The modeling results are presented in the example of implementation of described approach. The scheme of the regulator of the sliding mode of the adaptive system of automatic control with the frequency of rotation of a bent shaft of diesel allowing to study the processes of fluctuations of its speed and to develop the principles of its effective management was developed. For its synthesis the new mathematical description of dynamics of diesel which brings the generator into rotation was developed. This allows not only to provide the work of diesel and the shaft generators units, but also, as a result, to exercise effective management of electric power parameters in autonomous electric power industry, to develop means and methods of providing the required indicators of quality of the electric power produced by the main and auxiliary power units.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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