
Karetnikov Vladimir Vladimirovich1,Efimov Konstantin Ivanovich1,Sikarev Alexander Aleksandrovich1


1. Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping


This article deals with the current issue of risk assessment in inland water transport of the Russian Federation. The concept of "risk" is defined in the article, with a particular focus on inland water transport. There are listed the main causes of transport accidents on board the ships in inland waterways. The main issues related to ensuring safety of navigation in inland waterways have been considered. Approaches to the solution of the problem of ensuring navigation safety have become the result of implementing the concept of "risk". The article substantiates the expediency of applying a new methodological approach to reduce the number of accidents, which is based on a formalized safety assessment. Using this methodology allows to identify potential hazards before they grow into real events (accidents, incidents), and take the necessary precautions to avoid them, i.e. to timely create protective "barriers" on the way of the events that can cause traffic accidents, injuries or death of people, environmental pollution, material damage. There have been listed the problems of inland water transport, for which solution a formalized safety assessment is found promising. There are given the reasons why the use of risk assessment techniques on the Navy ships is difficult and why in some cases it is impossible on inland water vessels.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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