Examining efficient treatment of parts during ship repair with cutting fluids cleaning in magnetic sump


Avdeyev Boris Aleksandrovich1,Vyngra Alexei Viktorovich2


1. Kerch State Maritime Technological University

2. Kerch State Marine Technological University


The article considers the problem of cleaning efficiency of cutting fluids used in the technological processes of parts treatment during ship repair. One of the cleaning instruments is a magnetic sump which has a high efficiency at a relatively low cost of operation and maintenance. The laboratory tests of the magnetic sump were carried out using a full-factor experiment, with changing certain parameters in order to identify the coolant purity index when cleaning from mechanical impurities. The dependencies are obtained that connect the value of the coolant purity index with the technological and construction parameters of the magnetic sump. The influence of the coolant purity index in the magnetic sump on the roughness of the polished surface of the samples was revealed. With a decreasing concentration of solids after cleaning in a magnetic sump, the surface roughness parameter of the samples decreases from 0.8 to 0.2 μm. The most rational parameters of the magnetic sump have been determined, at which the optimal surface roughness is observed when processing the engine crankshaft using coolant cleaned in a magnetic sump. The scheme of the experimental facility has been presented to determine the efficiency of cleaning the cutting fluid from the mechanical impurities in a magnetic sump, which includes a LATR adjustment transformer, a 220 / 12V step-down transformer, a voltmeter, an ammeter, a rectifier diode unit, and a magnetic sump. It has been stated that the errors of the presented experimental and calculated dependences did not exceed 10%. It has been inferred that cleaning the cutting fluid in the magnetic sump to maximum values allows increasing the intervals of machine time between cleaning the circle up to 70%.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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