Shape of unmanned submersible hull taken as classification feature


Lebedeva Marina Petrovna1,Lebedev Aleksei Olegovich1,Ageeva Nina Sergeevna1,Butsanets Artem Aleksandrovich1


1. Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping


Modern research in the field of oceanology in the Arctic region, studying the ice conditions, environmental and climatic monitoring, prospecting and hydrographic works, monitoring of extended bottom structures, oceano-graphic measurements, search for sunken objects, chemical and physical measurements of the aquatic environment, research of underwater objects and bottom topography cannot be imagined without the use of autonomous unmanned submersibles. Underwater robotics is rapidly developing. In the course of technological progress the scope of applications of autonomous unmanned submersible crafts has significantly expanded. The priority areas of robotics involve developing the intelligent methods and models to control operation of the autonomous submersibles in the extreme and uncertain environmental conditions, developing the architecture of autonomous submersibles, and solving problems of navigation and communication. Each class of autonomous submersible crafts has not only the advantages, but also the disadvantages that limit the scope of their application. Analysis and comparison of autonomous submersibles are carried out, the trends in their development are determined. The alternative classification of autonomous unmanned underwater crafts by the shape of the hull. Various versions of autonomous underwater vehicles and examples of underwater robotics are illustrated. Autonomous unmanned submersible crafts having a bluff shape, well-streamlined cylindrical shape, well-streamlined non-cylindrical shape, well-streamlined bionic shape are considered in detail, the system of control over the submersibles is analyzed.


Astrakhan State Technical University


Rehabilitation,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,General Medicine

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