Analyzing mathematical model of random processes in automatic control system of ship electric power unit


Zheleznyak Alexander Aleksandrovich1


1. Kerch State Marine Technological University


The probabilistic-statistical and spectral-temporal description of a random process complement each other. The main relation interesting for the automatic control system developer is that the noise dispersion - a characteristic determined by the probabilistic-statistical method - is equal to the average noise power. Knowing the noise power, it is easy to determine its standard deviation by deriving the square root from the average power. And the root-mean-square deviation of the controlled value of the automatic control system is the root-mean-square control error, the knowledge of which is necessary for the developer and technologist to characterize the accuracy of the automatic control system. Ultimately, the developer of the automatic control system for ship systems is interested in the value of the root mean square control error. The peculiarity of the emergence and propagation of impulse interference (noise) in ship electric power systems (random processes) is that it is impossible to explicitly write down the dependence of their magnitude as a function of time, since noise values change in different ways at each time interval. It is possible to indicate some average values that give a fairly detailed idea of the noise as a whole. The noises often encountered in ship systems are ergodic, i.e. the ensemble averaging coincides with the time averaging, so the statistical characteristics of such noises can be obtained by averaging their observed values over time.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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