Analysis of guidelines concerning navigation safety


Liutko Sergei1


1. Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping


The problem of navigation safety in modern navigation has been widely studied in the scientific works by many authors. Description of the subject area ‒ the safety of ship navigation ‒ is characterized by different terms, such as “safety of seafaring”, “safety of shipping” or “navigation safety”. However, one can hardly come across a clear definition of the terms. Each author considers the safety of a vessel's navigation from his own point of view and interprets this term in a different way. The term “safety of navigation” does not have clear boundaries, nor a single definition. Using this term the authors mean a subject area or activities united by a single goal. There is defined the autonomous part of the term “security”. This term refracts depending on the subject area, which can be explained by variability of the tools used to achieve a given level of security. A holistic description of the term “safety” in the maritime industry is of particular importance, which will eliminate discrepancies and help clarify the modern terms related to maritime safety. There have been analyzed scientific works, guidelines, standards on the problem of navigation safety and proposed a classification of the terminological apparatus. The search and development of new approaches and methods for preventing ship accidents in the course of operation are becoming increasingly important. At present, the concept of safety in water transport has not been formed and systematized sufficiently, despite the excessive amount of research works devoted to this subject. The relationship between the concepts of “safety of navigation”, “safety of seafaring” or “safety of shipping” is considered. The idea of the concepts classification is proposed.


Astrakhan State Technical University


Rehabilitation,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,General Medicine

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